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How to strengthen yourself in stressful situations

2 hours

In this seminar about how a person can help himself in conditions of prolonged stress.

Objectives of the seminar

  • Raise awareness of the impact of chronic stress on physical, intellectual, emotional and social well-being;
  • Provide specific recommendations, practical methods of how to improve and maintain your well-being (both physical and psychological) in conditions of increased stress and crisis;
  • To inspire participants to implement new practices in their lives, which have an immediate positive effect on their well-being and, if practiced in the long term, increase psychological well-being, resistance to stress and productivity.


  • Crisis, stress, burnout - how it affects us.
  • Basis of physiology, consequences in daily behavior, well-being, productivity.
  • Behavior in crisis - "survival algorithm".
  • Self-help – methods and practices for restoring resources and improving well-being, based on the regularities of the body's physiology (vegetative nervous system, hormonal system) and psychology;
  • Implementation in practice. How to create and maintain new, healthy habits.

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