Convincing Performance and Selling Ideas ©

28. May
29. May

495.00 EUR

Price without VAT

A presentation has to be focused and structured for it to be convincing. One’s stance, body language and style of speaking should also follow certain precepts. But at times, even when we carefully prepare and observe these instructions, we do not feel natural, and it seems that our listeners do not really believe what they hear. At the same time, another, quite unusual speaker may captivate, inspire and persuade. Why is this so?

There is a shortage of authenticity in many people’s public communication. One of the reasons is that we have not undertaken a personal audit of our individual speaking style. We become false and artificial by presenting and simultaneously trying to conform to imagined standards. We sense this ourselves, as does our audience. As a result, what we say is not convincing.

The “Convincing Performance and Selling Ideas ©” course reveals the features of a persuasive talk and teaches us how to incorporate these into our speaking style. It has been created for a small group of participants (8 – 10), ensuring an individual approach. During the activities, we will look for the characteristic, powerful and convincing aspects of each participant’s specific speaking style. Participants will learn how to create their own authentic speaking style through an understanding of focused speeches and individual training.

Target audience: Managers, project managers, sales specialists – anyone who needs to persuade others. 

Aim of the course: To develop speaking skills and to convincingly justify your position when presenting in front of a large audience, presiding at meetings or talking to customers.


  • Focused discussions with customers, colleagues, and employees;
  • Greater self-confidence;
  • A more captivating form of expression.

Duration: 2 days, 12 hours.

Form of the training: the course is an aggregate of theoretical and practical activities. During the activities, there will be the opportunity to find out your strengths and correct your weaker points in your argumentation and presentation style. 

Presentations by participants will be filmed. Participants will receive their personal video recording at the conclusion of the course.


1. The architecture of the presentation: How to sell our ideas:

  • Lecture: reasons for speaking – how the goals and the target audience influence the structure of presentations;
  • How to start and finish, and what should never be said;
  • The formula for how to create an attractive message;
  • Practical work on formulating the message;
  • How to justify the message with concise argumentation;
  • Video training: participants make a mini-speech using the acquired structure. Feedback and suggestions.

2. Selling an idea during discussions with one or a few partners:

  • Non-verbal communication. Decisive success factors: the visual, vocal and verbal;
  • What is the hook? What makes listeners remember you? How does one find quotes and similarities?
  • The story as a creator of an impression;
  • Video training: the deliberate atmosphere for the talk and the speaker creating an impression.

3. Charisma. Selling an idea to a large audience:

  • The power and secret of charisma. What sorts of qualities create charisma;
  • How to maintain authenticity when presenting before a large audience;
  • Exercises instance, voice and diction; reducing stress;
  • Participants come along with homework: a 5-minute speech to a large audience;
  • “Sharpening Arguments”;
  • Intensive video-training: presentation. 

4. Particular challenges – PowerPoint and difficult questions:

  • How to speak effectively using PowerPoint; benefits and risks, using slides. Most common mistakes;
  • Techniques in responding to tricky questions;
  • Video training “hot seat” – participants train in how to respond spontaneously with convincing arguments;
  • Summary.

Venue: TRIVIUMS training centre, Blaumaņa 11/13 - 12, IV, Riga

Participation fees include handouts, coffee breaks and lunch.

For company training, the programme can be adapted for the specifics and needs of the company.

  • What did you like best in this seminar?

    • Practical activities, the opportunity to ask questions for which answers were also received.
    • Presenter’s ability to encourage and inspire one to develop both in the training, as well as believing in one’s own abilities, in future as well.
    • Critical evaluations from a competent presenter. The opportunity to receive a video and look at oneself from afar in stress situations.
    • Even though I was really afraid of it, but they were definitely practical skills, which the presenter first explained and then provided constructive criticism. Very useful.