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"Mobbing" and "bossing" - how to recognize it and act

2 hours

"Mobbing" and "bossing" are no longer foreign to society. Both terms are borrowed from the English language, but in Latvian the concepts of violence and mockery are close to them.

It is not always comfortable to talk about mobbing (expulsion from colleagues can take different forms) or bossing (inappropriate behavior of a manager towards an employee), because the topics are unpleasant. However, it needs to be talked about and the consequences of such behavior need to be addressed.

Emotional abuse affects more than just the individual experiencing it. It also affects and can hinder organizational performance, as employee turnover increases, absenteeism increases, employee motivation decreases, experienced and professional employees leave, team stress levels increase, and workplace climate and organizational reputation deteriorate.


  • What is psychological abuse?
  • How to understand that the relationship at work has become destructive?
  • Mobbing, bullying, bossing and gaslighting - definitions and essence.
  • Practical examples.
  • Types of harassment – ​​physical, verbal, psychological, social.
  • Verbal aggression, domineering behavior, victim blaming.
  • What does not apply to psychological violence at work?
  • The negative impact of psychological violence on people and the work environment.
  • Actions in cases of bullying?
  • How to tame and defend yourself?
  • To minimize the risks of the employer's and manager's actions.
  • Legal practice in Latvia - where to turn for help?

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